Hard on the heels of a resubmission of proposals for the Whitton solar farm, plans have been announced for a 5MW solar farm off Squirrel Lane, between Lower Ledwyche and Henley Hall (15/01472/FUL).

Today, Kronos Solar wrote to Ludlow and Clee unitary councillors announcing that the planning application for a 13 hectare “solar park” has been submitted to Shropshire Council. The application is currently being validated before being made public.


The site has been reduced in size from initial plans by approximately 40% to reduce visual and landscape impacts. The 5MW array will power the equivalent of 1,100 households. Its power will be fed by underground cable into the nearby electricity substation on Squirrel Lane.

The promoters say that there will be no harm to the AONB which is 1.4km distant. The agricultural soil is classified grade 3b – poorer quality. The arrays will only be minimally visible from some viewpoints, and not at all from Ludlow or the AONB.

Kronos has submitted a community benefit proposal to Bitterley parish council.

As a member of the South Planning Committee, I will not be commenting on this application until it reaches committee.

Kronos: Henley Hall Solar Summary

Kronos: Henley Hall Solar Letter to Councillors

3 thought on “New 33 acre solar farm proposal at Henley Hall, near Ludlow”
  1. I look forward to reviewing this application in detail. In the meantime I would like to ask why the developer has not highlighted the visibility of the site from historic Caynham Camp?

  2. I live in angel lane and feel this will spoil the amazing view we have ,we can see squirrel lane from our garden ,once again the toffs will benefit and not the ordinary working class ,well done the tory,s of Ludlow once again what you want will go you never think about the ordinary people . toffs rule again lol

    1. Dear Rose

      I live right beside the proposed site for the Solar Farm, if you would like further information about the proposal I would be happy to share this with you!

      Kind Regards
      Michelle Giles

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