New designs have been produced for the PizzaExpress which will very soon replace The Marches on Castle Street (15/02009/ADV). The new scheme is much improved by removal of intrusive exterior lighting and a more acceptable painting scheme that highlights the windows.

To my mind, the black frontage at ground floor level is still rather dour for a lively market square. I would also have liked the hanging sign on the street to have been rectangular in keeping with other signs around the town centre.

However, I no longer object to this décor scheme.


Previous proposals


The new proposals

2 thought on “PizzaExpress redesigns plans for Ludlow market restaurant”
  1. Too true, I know that visitors to Ludlow talk of little other than our nice rectangular signage – let’s get real people ! I’ve checked the date and it is now 2015

  2. This frontage is utterly out of place in town centre like Ludlow’s. The black is wrong for this style of building and the windows, although emphasised, are still incongruous. If we must have this kind of establishment here the proper course of action would have been to look carefully at others close by and harmonise with those. House style may be of importance, but just a characteristic name board inside the entrance is quite enough to satisfy it.

    A few pretty window boxes are only going to last until October, if then.

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