New plans have been published for two homes behind the Bridge Inn on St Mary’s Lane. The designs of the houses remain unchanged but they have been repositioned on the site and parking has been moved to the rear of the properties. This design is a considerable improvement but there is a need to use porous paving materials not concrete slabs. I no longer think this development needs to be considered by the South Planning Committee.
In January, plans were published for two semidetached houses at the Bridge Inn. Earlier this week, new plans were submitted based on discussions with planning officers (18/05877/FUL).

The new plans are a considerable improvement. The houses have been brought forward on the plot and realigned to be square with the pub. Parking has been moved to the rear leaving the historic stone wall intact and retaining on-street parking spaces. The design of the houses remains unchanged. They are not particularly interesting but acceptable. Four new trees and hedging are proposed. These are welcome and should be native species.
My only concern now with this development is that the surface in front of the houses and a path area behind will be concrete slabs. Lower Corve Street suffers from flash flooding within yards of this site. All paving should be permeable to ensure there is no additional runoff.
I provisionally called this application in to the South Planning Committee but said I hoped that the issues could be solved in discussions. In my view, the bulk of the concerns have been resolved and I no longer wish the committee to consider the application. I do want the specification for surfaces to be changed to permeable.
Shropshire Council is consulting on the amended application until 29 March (18/05877/FUL).