If you live in Ludlow North your polling station may have moved from the Library to Ludlow Mascall Centre. Details are on your polling card.
In previous elections, voting took place in the library. But when Shropshire Council moved staff from Stone House into the library, no thought was given to what would happen on polling days.
In recent months, we have discussed several options for polling stations in the town centre but most proved suitable or unavailable. The final decision was to move the polling station for Whitcliffe and Corve wards to the Ludlow (Bishop) Mascall Centre. This will not be as convenient as the Library for town centre residents but it does have a good sized car park. The 722 and 701 buses also stop directly outside on the way back into town.
Last year we removed the steps at the Galdeford end of Friars Walk to make access easier for people with buggies or who have limited mobility to get to the school and childcare centre. This will help people who live on and around Old Street and the Fees. They now have a step free pedestrian route to the polling station.
Bringewood ward still votes at St Peters and Bromfield votes at The Clive.
If you are in Ludlow South you’ll vote at the Elim Church on Smithfield car park. Don’t buy a ticket, parking is free for 15 minutes.