A planning application is just in from Punch Taverns to build two semi-detached two-storey houses on the car park of the Bridge Inn at the bottom of Corve Street (18/05877/FUL). The pub will remain in use. Punch regard the car park as too large for their requirements.
The site is within Ludlow Conservation Area so the design must be looked at in detail. There also could be a loss of residents’ parking spaces on St Mary’s Lane. That could be a point of contention. As could tarmacked car park spaces in an area with frequent flash flooding.

One of the houses will have two bedrooms, the other three. They will have gardens with a close board timber fence screening the pub car park and the footpath.
The Bridge Inn is unaffected by the application. The dilapidated barn on the east side would be refaced with stained oak boarding and the double doors on the eastern face would be relocated to the southern side.

The car parks for the houses will be tarmacked. In this area of town which is prone to flash flooding, they should be of porous material.
Fourteen car parking spaces will be retained for the pub, nine accessed from Bromfield Road and five from St Mary’s Lane through a new entrance through the historic stone wall. That could be contentious in a conservation area. The pub car park will retain its existing rough surface. It certainly should not be tarmacked.