Today, around fifty people came to the Methodist Church on Broad Street to discuss the escalating coronavirus crisis. It was a very unusual meeting. Many people were wearing gloves. Hand gel, possibly the rarest commodity beyond toilet rolls, was available. People sat well apart unless they worked or lived together.
It was a great debate with Drs Catherine Beanland and Caron Morton on the panel and professionals and volunteers in the audience. Our Local Democracy Reporter Keri Trigg was noting the meeting. We will see her reports, which are pooled across local media, in the next day or so.
The declaration is below, along with a PDF of the main leaflet. Thanks to everyone who has put in so much effort so far. We stand or fall by our declaration. I know after today we stand by it together.
We, as a community in the Ludlow area, agree to work together to support: each other, essential services, businesses and vulnerable groups during the Covid 19 emergency. The clear message from this group to the community is:
Brilliant. I presume that how volunteering actually works will pan out over next couple of weeks. My parents are ludlow, but I am church stretton and would love a group here.