Earlier in the week, Western Power Distribution (WPD) closed the Broadgate to vehicles after a cable fault some households and businesses without power. The cable has since been repaired and a temporary tarmac patch been put in place. The stone setts will be reinstated once new setts to replace those that have broken have been sourced.

There has been a lot of concern expressed on social media and through email about the temporary reinstatement at the Broadgate. Here is the Shropshire Highways update from this morning:

“The reinstatement is temporary which a Utility is allowed to do, we have also agreed this as it was a way of speeding up the process of reopening the Broad Gate to traffic. The York Stone brick setts will be re-laid by WPD once they have had time to source some replacements for some that are damaged whilst being removed as they were laid on a resin which made it difficult to get them out in one piece.

We have also requested a specification to ensure these blocks are reinstated correctly and avoid future failure.

The blocks will have to be removed from site and they will be the responsibility of WPD to look after these.”

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