Update 24 October. Repairs are currently scheduled for 30 October. Shropshire Council will pursue the cost through the driver’s insurance.
Update 23 October. Shropshire Council has now made the crossing safe.
Last night, a white Opal car demolished the Belisha beacon on the zebra crossing at the top of Sheet Road. The beacon was on the refuge, the island in the middle of the road. Now it lies flattened. It is a safety hazard. The crossing is now unusable for disabled people and difficult to negotiate for people with shopping trolleys and dogs.
This is one of the most used crossings in Ludlow. People use it to access the Co-op, the Squirrel, Pets at Home and to stroll out of town including into the Foldgate field. There are so many dogs being walked at the Foldgate Lane junction, I call it Dog Central.
I have asked for urgent action to make the crossing safe. I sent the request to Shropshire Council before 8am this morning. (Thanks to a friend who walks Mel the Collie first thing for the heads up.) Officers are flat out dealing with the weekend floods but I hope they will not ignore this request.
The vehicle was parked on a Ludlow street overnight. Its registration number was recorded. The police have been informed and Shropshire Council may wish to take civil action to recover the costs of repairs.
Highways officers are stretched but I hope they will remove the debris by the end of the day. Warning signs are needs as the crossing will not be adequately lit at night.

What a pity that you were not able to show the photo of the Opel vehicle (with number plate visible). Then at least some of the community could publicly shame the offender – and report the owner should the vehicle be driven in a damaged (unroadworthy) state.