McConnel in Ludlow has applied for planning permission to expand its premises on Weeping Cross Lane (23/05270/FUL). It wants to expand the workshop space, install new staff facilities and improve the entrance to the site.

There are many light engineering businesses in Ludlow and they form part of the backbone of the town’s economy. McConnel is one of our largest engineering employers. It proudly declares itself the “Home of the Hedgecutter”.

This is a welcome application. It shows that McConnel is committed to Ludlow. In the long term. That is good news for jobs, all the people that work for the company and the economy of our rural town.

I won’t comment in detail on this application is case it comes to planning committee. I will remark that this is one of the best prepared and welcome applications we have seen in Ludlow for a long while.

One thought on “McConnel applies to expand and refurbish its Ludlow workshops”
  1. Knowing nothing about planning. This looks like one of the best bits of news for a long time. Not only for Ludlow’s economy, but also probably for McConnell’s employees.

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