
The operator of this care home will be HC-One.

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Plans have been submitted to develop a privately run, 66 bed care home for the “frail elderly”, with associated communal and staff facilities. The large two and a half-storey building will support 24/7 care for the elderly residents including those with dementia and those requiring end of life care. The application has been submitted by Stratmore Estates on behalf Care Developments (Ludlow) Ltd (24/01355/FUL).

The site is currently occupied by Oaklands, a large modern detached house with an extensive garden which is largely a lawn.

This proposal complies with planning policy, especially as there is an identified need for more extra care beds in the Ludlow area.

The applicant’s consultant, CBRE, has identified an undersupply of 129 care home beds within ten miles of Ludlow, expected to rise to 171 beds in 2025 and 237 beds by 2030.

The 66 bedrooms will be a minimum size of 16sqm, each with a wet room. Each floor of the home will have lounge and dining area. There will be a café on the ground floor. The care home will have two secure private gardens.

The 0.37 hectare site will have 21 parking and 12 covered cycle spaces for visitors and staff. It is anticipated that none of the residents will drive.

The transport statement accompanying the application states there will be no significant impact on traffic on Bromfield Road. That I think is correct.

However, the statement is based on sloppy research about the number of buses that serve the site. It claims the 701 operates nearby. The 701 hasn’t served Bromfield Road Ludlow for a decade. The nearest 701 bus stop is a kilometre away. The statement also claims the 490 Leominster service serves Bromfield Road every two hours. It does not. It only calls at Ludlow School for the morning drop off and afternoon drop off, as does the 722, which is not mentioned. The transport statement completely omits the 740 Ludlow Knighton service which passes the proposed care home five times each way on weekdays and four times each way on Saturdays.

The care home with generate 55 full time jobs working in three shifts. The operator of the care home has not been named.

This is bulky building which will dwarf neighbouring homes. However, the school and leisure centre are opposite. These are similarly large buildings.

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