Five candidates will stand for South Shropshire in the 4 July general election. Seven will stand in Shrewsbury and five in North Shropshire.

South Shropshire

  • Anderson, Stuart – Conservative
  • Green, Matthew – Liberal Democrat
  • Shackerley-Bennett, Charles – Reform UK
  • Thomson, Simon – Labour
  • Wendt, Hilary – Green Party


  • Applegate, Victor – Reform UK
  • Bovill, Chris – English Democrats
  • Buckley, Julia – Labour
  • Dean, Julian – Green Party
  • Gollins, James – Independent
  • Kawczysnki, Daniel – Conservative
  • Wagner, Alex – Liberal Democrat

North Shropshire

  • Baynes, Simon – Conservative
  • Cladingbowl, Samuel – Independent
  • Emery, Craig – Green Party
  • Morgan, Helen – Liberal Democrat
  • Rowley, Natalie – Labour
  • Whittle, Mark – Reform UK

Four were MPs until the dissolution of parliament, Stuart Anderson in South Shropshire, Daniel Kawczynski in Shrewsbury, and Helen Morgan and Simon Baynes in North Shropshire. Baynes was MP for Clwyd South, a constituency that is to be abolished. Matthew Green standing in South Shropshire was previously MP for Ludlow 2001-2005.

All candidates live in Shropshire, except Simon Thomson (Labour, South Shropshire) who lives in London and Mark Whittle (Reform, North Shropshire) who lives in Cheshire.

Full statement of persons nominated (SOPN).

Candidates for Telford and Wrekin.

4 thought on “Candidates for Shropshire constituencies announced”
  1. There is a Climate and Wildlife Hustings on Wednesday 12th June at 6.00 pm at Clun Memorial Hall. questions from local voters will be put to the candidates. Unfortunately, the Conservative candidate is unable to attend but the other four can.,

  2. I would also like to know when and where other hustings will be taking place in the constituency? I think there is one scheduled in Bridgnorth but other than that, I cannot see anything else. Can you enlighten us?

  3. Does Anderson live in Shropshire ?
    Born in Herefordshire and MP for Wolverhampton!!
    Parachuted in just like Thomson.

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