I asked how many falls there have been on ice this week. I’m shocked by the results
Shropshire Council has been stalling on setting up a volunteer scheme to clear pavements of snow and ice for nearly a decade. Yet this week alone, there have been many…
I asked a chat bot about Ludlow, it wrote a poem, and how to pronounce Shrewsbury
Finally, a debate is settled, or probably not. Shrews-bury or Shrows-bury? Development of artificial intelligence has been underway for decades. From primitive beginnings, it has been growing in power and…
Ambulance waiting falls slightly locally as deaths increase and the NHS strains
Ambulance performance in Shropshire, and in many areas of the country, has been unacceptable for too long. Ludlow health campaigner and town councillor Darren Childs has recently detailed his second…
Ludlow rough sleeper’s tent attacked by vandals
A friend who contacted me is angry. I’m angry. A man has camped out between the Library and Tesco for a while. He has permission from the landowner to be…
It’s getting cold out there: keep warm and spare a thought for rough sleepers
It’s turning cold out there. Temperatures in Ludlow are expected to fall to minus 3°C overnight, minus 4°C later in the week before warming slightly from the weekend. The UK…