Castle View Terrace appeal – bloated claims on economic benefits clutch at straws (updated)
How can building six terraced homes generate £2.1 million mostly for the local economy as claimed by Berrys? There will be economic benefit from construction, purchase of materials and from…
Appeal begins for six homes on Castle View Terrace meadow
In December 2020, Shropshire planners threw out an application for a terrace of six homes, none affordable, on the meadow on Castle View Terrace. The application departed so far from…
Changing Ludlow – Sainsbury’s, Greggs and much more housing
Is the biggest news in town the opening of Sainsbury’s on 30 November? Or is it the arrival of Greggs on King Street? Or the current construction of 400 new…
Ironbridge: Ruling that late report on Gaskell Arms Junction traffic was immaterial
I can’t say I am happy with this. The fundamental rule on planning is that committee members must consider all the evidence before them and that should be all the…
Covid Watch 161: Anti-vaxxers are targeting Ludlow schools
Those that don’t agree with vaccinating children are targeting our local schools and schools across the country. They are using a fake NHS checklist to tip the balance in parents…