Ironbridge: Shropshire Council turns down complaint on voting irregularity
We are still digesting the outcome of the decision to approve 1,075 homes with infrastructure on the former Ironbridge power station site at Buildwas. The vote in being challenged on…
Covid Watch 160: Highest ever infection rates in Ludlow
Infection rates reached the highest recorded level in Ludlow last weekend at 520 cases per 100,000 people. That means 57 people living in the town tested positive in the seven…
Shropshire Council deputy leader resigned after online abuse
Social media is the expression of all of us. Collectively and individually. Even if people don’t participate its impacts cannot be ignored. Social media is all of us on the…
Ironbridge: Crucial Much Wenlock traffic report withheld – it stinks
The biggest planning decision in Shropshire Council’s history is edging towards becoming a scandal. I would not be surprised if it ended up in court. One of the reasons councillors…
Shropshire Council reshuffles its cabinet after Charmley steps down
Steve Charmley (Whittington) stepped down from Shropshire Council’s cabinet today. He had been in the cabinet since the unitary council was founded and deputy leader for six years. Steve has…