Shopping in Ludlow – where do we buy and what do we buy in Ludlow?
Retail matters dominate the town agenda right now. A decision is to be made on the Rocks Green supermarket bid on Tuesday. Budgens is set to close – no date…
Retail matters dominate the town agenda right now. A decision is to be made on the Rocks Green supermarket bid on Tuesday. Budgens is set to close – no date…
This morning’s post brought two letters. The first is from Philip Dunne MP and is addressed to Clive Wright, the chief executive of Shropshire Council and copied to South Planning…
Planning officers have recommended that the application for a large supermarket off Dunn Cow Road is approved. They argue that although the scheme is a departure from the local plan,…
Midcounties Co-op owns the store that used to be Harry Tuffins on Foldgate Lane. In May 2015, it objected strongly to the proposal for an out of town supermarket at…
A new but not revised application has been made for three houses and garages at Linney House (17/00230/FUL). The applicant says: “The intention of the application to secure a consent…