In December 2011, Shropshire Council renewed outline planning permission for 94 dwellings on the old brickworks site on the Fishmore Road. The permission also allowed continued use as a coach depot (it used to be Whittles bus depot).

Even though I think that 94 houses is far too many for this site, it has been a continual frustration that green fields outside Ludlow are threatened by housing development while this brownfield site remains empty.

Now Whittles has put in for outline planning permission for the bus depot (14/02846/OUT). The only detail given is that the site might accommodate an indicative 20 houses. So there’s not much to go on.

bus_depot_housingThe original planning permission is shaded green
The new proposal shaded red

The main issue with this proposal is likely to be traffic. If this planning permission is granted, we could see around 115 houses on the site in total. That’s a lot of houses for a small site and the traffic will create pressure on the junction of Fishmore Road, New Road and Corve Street.

We need to be reassured that the sewers can cope. We also need to be satisfied that rainwater will not rush off this site to flood the houses of the long suffering residents of Lower Corve Street.

Its early days with this application. As always, please let me know your views.

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