In the last few minutes the South Planning Committee approved the application for a superstore at Rocks Green on a 5 to 4 vote.

The committee dcision:

14/05573/OUT. Dun Cow Farm,  Rocks Green, Ludlow. Outline application for the erection of a new foodstore (Use Class A1), associated petrol filling station, and associated car parking to include access.

That, subject to consultation with the Secretary of State and the conditions set out in Appendix 1 of the report, the Area Planning Manager be granted delegated authority to GRANT planning permission.  Any subsequent application for reserved matters to be determined by this Committee.

7 thought on “Breaking – Rocks Green application approved subject to details”
  1. A Meole Brace type retail park should have been built years back and that would have been that.Instead we have scattered development here and there that has been fought over every inch of the way and we end up with a town that ultimately works for tourists and the wealthy . The rest of us have to travel to Meole Brace or its equivalent when we could have had that trade and employment on our doorstop….

  2. How anyone can be in favour of a scheme when you don’t know what that scheme is, is mind boggling. Pretty much everyone with a stake in the town and its viability objected, and yet still it is approved. I wouldn’t fancy trying to sell a house on Rocks Green from this moment on either. I lived next to a supermarket once, and the noise starts at 5am with early deliveries and continues till late into the night, and this will happen here regardless of the applicant’s empty promises. Thanks, Shropshire Council!

  3. GREAT NEWS for Rocks Green! Well over the main hurdles now!

    It’s been a long wait but it’ll all be worth it in the end.

    Thank God our planners took no heed of the bolshy blowhards who nearly trashed our town’s future for their own greedy ends.

    Hopefully full plans are drawn up and passed ASAP, breathing new life into this moribund town.

    Three cheers for Indigo Planning! You’re doing us proud!

  4. A lot of us that objected, and continue to do so, do so not because we are greedy but out of love for the town that we live in. I do not stand to gain financially by objecting. I object because I have seen town centres up and down the country and indeed the world ruined by out of town developments.

  5. Very well put Raj.Lets hope that it has Lidl effect on the town centre some how I fear it will but less so than a Sainsburys would have done.

  6. Are people so short sighted,a new supermarket means more jobs for locals.Ludlow is a quaint little town but unfortunately offers nothing for our young generation,ie jobs or places to socialise,when they can they will move away,and leave ludlow to the elderly is this what we want.ludlow is dying ,the HSBC Bank is going, shops are closing ,and even more will when the new business rates come in,we don’t even have a refuse tip anymore,and I believe the post office may close.Tourists are deterred by on street parking charges,I myself travel to Merry Hill shopping centre where I know the prices are reasonable and parking is free ,and have a good selection of supermarkets.yours Rosemary

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