This afternoon Theresa May announced that Philip Dunne will continue as Minister of Health under Jeremy Hunt.

2 thought on “Breaking… Ludlow’s MP Philip Dunne continues as Minister for Health”
  1. That’s it he will make sure we loose all our NHS services in Ludlow he tells us one thing and does another. He was the one who told Jeremy Hunt that we didn’t need a A&E hospital built in Ludlow.

  2. For someone who has defenced the “rights” of Christian MPs to block Assisted Suicide legislation, in spite of 82% of the British population being in agreement with the right to dye with dignity, I think he ought to hang his heard in shame for being willing to continue supporting J the Hunt’s determination to further reduce “public funding” … aka taxPAYER’s money … for physical and mental health, social care, GP surgeries, emergency services, etc., etc., etc., ad infinitum … à la les Cons.

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