We have had an unexpectedly long political season. That’s got in the way of routine but important transport matters in and around Ludlow. In and Out of Ludlow (IOL) will resume on Thursday evening – The Writing Room, Feathers Hotel, 5pm, 22 June.

Top of the agenda will be election of a chair and vice-chair. We also need to discuss how these meetings are run, including giving adequate notice and ensuring that issues are followed through from meeting to meeting.

Agenda 22 June

1) Election of Chair.
2) Election of Vice-chair.
3) Discussion of management of future IOL meetings, to include location, agenda, minutes and reporting to other bodies.
4) Road and rail closures, to include A49, weekend rail and Upper Galdeford.
5) One Stop junction.
6) Station pedestrian route.
7) Fingerposts.
8) Corve Street bus stop.
9) Parking in the market and castle area.
10) AOB.

Guidance for In and Out of Ludlow

1. Aims

The aims of In and Out of Ludlow (IOL) are:

1.1. To provide a forum for residents, councillors and organisations to seek consensus on traffic, transport, parking and access issues in and around Ludlow.

1.2 To provide advice and recommendations to Ludlow Town Council, Shropshire Council, the Marches Local Enterprise Partnership and any other body, organisation, enterprise or company concerned with the matters in 1.1.

2. Membership

2.1. IOL is an inclusive body.

2.2. It will have a flexible membership drawn from councillors, organisations and residents.

2.3. Appointments should be made for chair and vice chair, but it is not expected that IOL will proliferate formal positions.

2.4. The secretary will be Ludlow Town Council.

3. Ways of working

3.1. It is intended that IOL works with minimal of formality and makes decisions by consensus wherever possible.

3.2. IOL will achieve its aims through the diligent and the enthusiastic work of its members, supported by Ludlow Town Council and Shropshire Council where resources are available.

3.3. There are no constraints or formal rules for the way that IOL conducts its business. It can for example work in committee mode, delegate tasks to subgroups, hold open meetings or take any other action that promotes its aims within its resources.

4. Reporting

4.1. IOL will make an annual report to Ludlow Town Council and the Local Joint Committee each March or at any other time in agreement with the town council and LJC.

4.2. IOL may make other reports to Ludlow Town Council, the Local Joint Committee and other relevant body, and to the public, as and when required by its business.

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