Refurbishment of Ludlow’s Feather Hotel is nearing completion and the new owners Crest Hotels have applies for an alcohol licence for the new bar, which will be located where the reception was before. Eyebrows are being raised at the application, which proposes selling alcohol, including off sales, until 2:30am at weekend and 1:30am during the week.

This looks like a standard application put in by the company’s legal team to cover every option. I very much doubt that Crest will want to become an early hours boozer full of people who leave other pubs at closing time. I wish the Feathers well but this licence application should be resisted. The hotel’s management could change and the Feathers could easily become a focus for antisocial behaviour.  

Refurbishment of Ludlow’s Feather Hotel is nearing completion and the new owners Crest Hotels have applies for an alcohol licence for the new bar, which will be located where the reception was before. Eyebrows are being raised at the application, which proposes selling alcohol, including off sales, until 2:30am at weekends and 1:30am during the week.

This looks like a standard application put in by the company’s legal team to cover every option. I very much doubt that Crest will want to become an early hours boozer full of people who leave other pubs at closing time. I wish the Feathers well but this licence application should be resisted. The hotel’s management could change and the Feathers could easily become a focus for antisocial behaviour.  

Festivals and holidays aside, the Compasses on Corve Street has the latest time for serving alcohol, 1:30am except on Sundays when sales must stop at midnight. The Feathers is planning to serve alcohol until 1:30am Sunday to Thursday and 2:30am on Friday and Saturday. There is a danger that customers will leave the Compasses when it closes and cross the road to the Feathers. Piling out as late as 3:00am, they will then disturb Corve Street and other residents.

I am sure this is not what Crest Hotels want. It could employ security staff to screen customers but bouncers aren’t really part of the Ludlow scene and are not a good image for an upmarket hotel. The hours for selling alcohol for walk in customers should be restricted by licence to the same hours as the Compasses. Of course, Crest Hotels could decide to close its doors earlier. It can, of course, serve its residents 24 hours a day.

Objections to the Feathers application must relate to one of the four licensing objectives:

  • the prevention of crime and disorder
  • public safety
  • the prevention of public nuisance
  • the protection of children from harm.

I wish the Feathers well. Crest Hotels have provided long overdue investment in the hotel. But I will be objecting to the current application on the grounds of prevention of crime and disorder and prevention of public nuisance.

The Feathers Application

Shropshire Council is consulting on the licence application until 6 October 2019.

Opening Hours Thur – Sun 10:00 – 01:30 with alcohol (on and off sales – 24 hours for residents) plays (indoors), films (indoors), indoor sporting events, live music (indoors), recorded music (indoors), dance (indoors), anything similar (indoors) all 10:00 – 01:00.

Opening Hours Fri – Sat 10:00 – 02:30 with alcohol (on and off sales – 24 hours for residents) plays (indoors), films (indoors), indoor sporting events, live music (indoors), recorded music (indoors), dance (indoors), anything similar (indoors) all 10:00 – 02:00.

One thought on “Ludlow’s Feathers Hotel applies to sell booze until 2:30am – that could make it a focus for antisocial behaviour”
  1. I remember the exact same logic applied for all day opening and Sunday extended hours and off license sales of alcohol on Sunday.

    The landlords have the choice of refusal of service to roudy and drunks and we are talking the Feathers not The Raven
    I would say at first it’s a novelty but it soon wears off and normality follows.
    If I remember rightly that was the same argument applied to Applegreen petrol station beer cave after midnight..

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