The head to head debates on TV tell you little to nothing about how our local MP candidates think their party’s policies will impact on life in the rural south of Shropshire. The husting on 2 December will be an opportunity to quiz the four Ludlow candidates.

Churches Together Around Ludlow (CTAL) is to host a husting of Ludlow constituency candidates on 2 December at 6pm in St Laurence’s Church. Doors open at 5.45pm. Questions can only be submitted in writing and only on the night. If your question is selected by the chair, Mike Beazley, you will be allowed to ask a supplementary question.

Before questions, Philip Dunne (Conservative), Heather Kidd (Lib Dem), Kuldip Sahota (Labour) and Hilary Wendt (Green) will speak for five minutes.

The meeting is expected to end around 8pm but it could run later.

2 thought on “Husting for Ludlow candidates – 6pm, Monday 2 December, St Laurence’s Church”
  1. Questions to the chair,is this the usual ‘we already know what we are to be asked ‘or blind questions so that they can be tested truly? Do you know?

  2. Very disappointed by format of hustings last night, with its lack of audience involvement. Questions should have been read out by those who submitted them and then, as in ‘Question Time’, they should have been invited to quickly respond with their own view or comment on responses (your notice indicated that this would happen, but it did not). Thus, the one-way traffic resulted in a feeling of the platform being divided from the non-participatory audience and with candidates’ responses (ie Dunne’s) going unchallenged, except by heckling (a great British tradition denied by the chair). I think people are tired of being talked at. The people sitting next to me agreed with my view.

    Don’t understand what criteria the Chair used to select questions, but was absolutely gobsmacked that there was not one on the second referendum issue!

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