Two seats were up for election after the resignations of Councillors Tony Mahalski and Nicola Paton.
Rod Naysmith from Downton View was been elected to represent Clee View on Ludlow Town Council unopposed.
Phillip Adams from Corve Street and Hillary Hall from The Angel battled it out for the Whitcliffe Ward. Congratulations to Philip who won by 14 votes last Thursday. The turnout was 22% and 226 ballot papers were issued. Philip received 118 votes, Hilary 104 votes. Four votes were declared void.
The new councillors will have to stand again in the countywide elections in May 2021. Elections are good for the democratic health of local councils. When town and parish councils co-opt, they tend to appoint people in their own image. Elections increase the mix of councillors and the degree of challenge. That’s good for democracy.
Declaration of result of poll.