New cricket practice nets proposed for Ludlow Cricket Club
Ludlow Cricket Club has applied to replace its current two lanes of practice strips with two new strips with nets and artificial turf (20/00434/FUL). This is pretty much a like…
Ludlow Cricket Club has applied to replace its current two lanes of practice strips with two new strips with nets and artificial turf (20/00434/FUL). This is pretty much a like…
Brand Lane is the main exit from Ludlow town centre and the route that must be used by large vehicles. Every now and again utilities need to be fixed. We…
BT is progressively removing little or unused phone kiosks around the country. The number of calls from phone boxes has fallen. Some have not been used in the last year,…
The rain is dancng on the roads and pavements and tap dancing on my windows as Storm Ciara hits with full force. If Shropshire Council is to be believed, potholes…
Last night, I published notice of the cancellation of Ludlow to Kidderminster bus services from 9.30am to mid-afternoon today. I have been trying to get an emergency timetable in place…