One of the great pleasures of Castle View Terrace is the view westwards over gardens and woodland. As you walk along the terrace, there is a feeling of being at the edge of the countryside. Especially at the far end of the cul de sac where a field often known as the medieval field lies behind a stone wall. It is a field where sheep may safely graze. But no longer. The paddock has been sold to Shropshire Homes, the company that is developing Fishmore Quarry, below Castle View Terrace.
Shropshire Homes is planning seven homes on the field. It is consulting with nearby residents and the wider town over the plans. This proposal is not unexpected. We have been discussing it for a while. But development of this site is not welcome. The former Whittles depot should be developed instead.

This plan is indicative. The Fishmore Quarry housing scheme currently differs in detail from that shown here but the overall layout is similar.
The plans are for two terraces, each of three homes. A bungalow will be set behind one of the terraces. Each dwelling will have two allocated car parking spaces. A further ten parking spaces will be available for residents of Castle View Terrace, a road where most people park on the roadside. The entrance to the new housing will create a turning head, ending the need for drivers to reverse over long distances.
Even when residents support a development, and I am not expecting support for this proposal, they have concerns about HGV construction traffic. This development will be serviced by smaller vehicles operating from a base on the quarry.
Developers are not required to consult prior to submitting a planning application to Shropshire Council. But it is best practice to do so. In ordinary times, Shropshire Homes would have held an exhibition to explain their proposals and listen to opinions. These are not ordinary times and we can’t hold drop in events. This consultation will be by email and post. You can send comment to or Comments on this blog will also be passed on to the developer.
Housing schemes are often controversial. It goes with the territory. Controversy is sometimes related to the size of the development. More often, concerns are about where the development is to be located. Location, location, location, as someone once said.
I don’t want this site to be developed. It is an unspoilt are of green space in east Ludlow, part of town that lacks green space. The brick wall which is set to be demolished is part of the character of the street. As is the paddock itself.
The paddock would be better used as a community orchard and wildflower area.
I am concerned that we have more houses approved than we can reasonably sell in Ludlow.
- South of Rocks Green: Pickstock Homes have approval for 68 homes and outline consent for a further 132. Work is expected to continue after power lines are moved in mid-August.
- Sheet Road. Shropshire Homes has permission for 68 homes between the Eco Park and Sheet Village. Drainage work is underway now and construction of the homes is expected to begin in 2021.
- Fishmore Quarry. Shropshire Homes has approval for 80 homes in the former quarry. There is no commencement date yet.
- Foldgate Lane. Crest Nicolson has begun site clearance for 137 homes though the work has been paused due to Covid-19.
- Bromfield Road. Plans for 213 homes are waiting for final approval.
That’s around 500 homes. Ludlow with Ludford will have no difficulty in meeting its contribution to Shropshire’s housing target.
This lovely greenfield site is under threat but brownfield sites remain undeveloped. The former garage on Corve Street has been a wasteland for years. The former Whittles coach depot on Fishmore Road is even more of an eyesore. This had outline planning permission for 20 homes but the permission expired in February. I’d much prefer to see that developed alongside the quarry development. That would allow a more rounded development with sufficient open strategic space for the residents of around 100 homes overall.
Shropshire Homes: Proposed development at Castle View Terrace.
Shropshire Homes: Letter to residents.
I expressed an interest in a two bedroom house in the new Fishmore development. Work on this was supposed to begin in February, with the first houses available towards the end of the year. I have now been told by Shropshire Homes that work on the site has now been suspended and will not start till next year at the earliest. It’s entirely possible of course, given the economic situation, with millions out of work, that few of the sites with planning permission around Ludlow will actually get completed. I suspect the builders are sitting waiting to see how things pan out economy-wise, for the demand may simply not be there.