Ludlow Town Council has a second vacancy for a councillor after I stepped down for health reasons. I actually feel quite fit. It’s just that my legs don’t agree with that assessment.

When I joined the council a year ago, I could walk fairly well. But the neuropathy in legs has got worse and I must use a stick for support when I walk, sometimes two. This is often worse in the evenings and sitting in a low chair (which is a compulsory torture in council meetings) makes it worse. Despite generous offers of lifts from other councillors, it was becoming increasing difficult for me to attend evening meetings. I decided it was better that I stood down and someone else took up the role.

I will however remain a Shropshire Councillor. I want to emphasise this as there has been some confusion on Facebook. I will still represent Ludlow North and I will still devote most of my time to being a councillor.

There are 15 town councillors on Ludlow Town Council, with two councillors for each ward, except for Gallows Bank which has three councillors. My resignation has now created the second recent vacancy in that ward. Darren Childs was elected by just four votes on the last day of March on the resignation of Grahame Perks.

A Notice of Vacancy has been issued. A by-election will be called if 10 voters in the ward call for it, otherwise the seat will be filled by co-option.

There is also a vacancy to be filled on Hayton Ward, which is between Henley Road, Dodmore and Weyman Road. This will be filled by co-option. Ludlow Town Council agreed the procedures at it last meeting but the date of co-option has yet to announced.

Unfortunately, Ludlow Town Council meetings are not livestreamed. There is no greater pleasure attending a council meeting while working out on the treadmill or cycling (backwards) on the exercise bike. Well perhaps there are greater pleasures…

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