Shropshire Council has been awarded £902,940 to install more on-street electric vehicle charging points across the county. The grant award is from the Office for Zero Emission Vehicles, with support of the Energy Saving Trust. The council is working with the charge point operator Connected Kerb to bring the number of EV charge points in Shropshire to 320 at 45 locations in the county.
The two on-street zones for this phase of the rollout of on-street EV will be on Corve Street by St Leonard’s churchyard and on Broad Street just above the cross roads (Bell Lane/Brand Lane). An additional eight charging bays will be installed on the top deck of the Galdeford car park.
This is major advance for Ludlow as we continue the transition to transport based on electric vehicles. For that we need EV charging points on-street as well as in car parks.
I am sure there will be concerns about the eight EV charging points on Broad Street, as these reallocate general use parking space for dedicated use. However, the installation of EV charging points on Broad Street is supported by Ludlow Town Council. I think there will be less opposition to the four EV charging points on Corve Street or the eight in Galdeford car park.
There is no consultation on these schemes. I suggest that anyone with concerns or who wishes to support the schemes email the portfolio for highways: Or contact the town council: I will of course collate comments I receive and forward then to Shropshire Council.

Eight in Broad Street seems a bit of an overkill in one place. Why not four there and four at top of Mill Street or in front of the Buttery in the square.
Yes that seems more sensible