The former Hope House charity shop in King Street is to be brought into use by Vine and Juniper, an up market wine shop based in Leominster. It is currently applying for the necessary licence to sell alcohol to take away and to consume on the premises (23/01705/LPREM).

This is the sort of business that will thrive in Ludlow town centre. It is a welcome change of use for a vacant shop on a street that has too many empty premises. Vine and Juniper will bring trade and employment into the town.

The downside is that it will continue the trend away from town centre shops that sell what most people in Ludlow need to serving only those with money to spare. But we have far too many empty shops in the town centre and it is excellent that Vine and Jupiter are coming to Ludlow.

In the licence application, Vine and Juniper says:

“The aim of the business is to primarily sell alcohol to the general public who reside in or visit the town of Ludlow and its surrounding villages for consumption in their own homes.

“It is also the intention to offer both free samples and serve alcohol [on sales].

“Whilst the [proposed] licenced hours extend to 22:00 with a further 30 mins drinking up time it is not the intention of the business to be regarded as a bar or wine bar.

“The normal retail hours are unlikely to extend past 18:00. The requirement to have extended on-sales activity is to provide pre-arranged tasting events.

”Our existing outlet [in Leominster] is often used to introduce the winemaker to customers who are interested in and may have already purchased the wines they produce. We would like to offer this at 17 King Street also. This usually involves offering free samples and a talk about the winemaker about their winery, production techniques and wines they make. It is more educational to feed the genuine interest that people have in winemaking. It is not that people attending will be leaving intoxicated and causing any nuisance neighbouring businesses or residents in the town.

“We intend to sell glassware, drinks accessories such as corkscrews and cocktail accessories and also pre-packaged gift boxes containing products derived from alcohol, including bottled beers and ciders.

“We will also be promoting a dog friendly environment.”

2 thought on “Vine and Juniper wines to come to Ludlow”
  1. There is already a high price wine shop in the Market Square. There is a gin shop with tasting at Taste at no 1.

    This will just detract from what is already there, and reduce their profitability ! Who wants wine at 20 quid a bottle when Aldi sells quality wine at £5.99 !!

    Seems to me that this will only serve to diminish already struggling income at already established outlets.

  2. Thanks for the heads up on this.

    What shop etc is coming to the newly-painted in white former bookmakers on the corner of Bull Ring and Tower Street?

    Dave P

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