Shropshire Council’s licencing subcommittee has approved an application from Festival Sounds for eight large events at Ludlow Castle. The castle is already licenced for events up to 4,999 people every day of the year. This approval will allow events with up to 7,999 people attending.

The application was fiercely opposed by residents nearby who suffer from noise during major events. There was strong support across the wider town for an increase in entertainment in Ludlow and the footfall generated by the events.

The hearing took place on Tuesday and the verdict has now been issued. It can only be challenged by legal action.

I have a lot of sympathy for the residents. We also need to look after the needs of the broader town. If I had been able to attend the hearing on Tuesday, I would have argued for fewer large events.

Noise and behaviour during the concerts will be strictly controlled. Even then, it will prove too much for some residents. We can’t have a totally quiet town centre. It would be dead if every day was like a winter’s day. Getting the balance right is difficult. The decision for eight days of major events is now made. We need to live and work with it.

Decision notice.

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