The state of the popular play area on Tollgate, Ludlow is a disgrace. More than three months after fencing collapsed in a storm, it still has not been repaired. Safety barriers have also been blown down. The entrance to the children’s play area is a safety hazard. Children must squeeze past the debris to get into the play area. The council is ignoring its responsibilities to protect the health and safety of children that use the play area.
On Wednesday, I will be asking the council’s cabinet what safety assessments it conducts on play areas and when the Tollgate play area fencing is going to be repaired.

My question to cabinet
Shropshire Council is responsible for many play areas across Shropshire, including in Ludlow. The Tollgate Lane play area in Ludlow has been in a state of disrepair since late October. The already rotten fencing blew down in an early winter storm. The safety barriers blew down in the next storm shortly afterwards. No action has been taken by Shropshire Council to secure children’s safety at the site since. This has caused a lot of concern in the community in which I live. They see Shropshire Council’s officers on the site most weeks but no action taken.
My questions to the cabinet are:
1) How often does Shropshire Council inspect the safety of the play areas it is responsible for?
2) Does Shropshire Council engage ROSPA or another safety body to conduct annual reviews of its play areas?
3) Could the council supply the latest safety assessment for the Tollgate Lane play area?
4) When is the Tollgate Lane area going to be repaired and made safe for the children in our community that play there?
Yes Andy, this play area has been sadly neglected. It is usually a lovely place to take our grand children. It is now dangerous and wide open to dogs and foxes. The fencing should be made safe immediately. Thank you for your action.