By Matthew Green

Now we are in the second half of the General Election campaign, I wanted to take the opportunity to explain why I decided to stand again after a break from being your local Member of Parliament. It was not a straightforward decision for me. Despite the many people who were asking me to stand as the Liberal Democrat candidate, it would have been easier for me not to do so.

I decided to stand for three reasons: first the past years have been a disastrous period of governance by the Conservatives. They need to be removed from office, and that can only happen when they lose seats that they hold such as South Shropshire. Secondly, so many people told me I am the only person who can beat the Conservatives in South Shropshire as I am the only person who has done it before in our lifetimes. Thirdly, our area needs a local MP dedicated to South Shropshire.

Since the start of May, I’ve been speaking to local residents on doorsteps and at meetings, including on a number of occasions in Ludlow. Thank you for the enthusiastic reception I have received. Many of you have told me you agree with my local priorities for our area:

  • reducing the time that people have to wait for an ambulance to arrive.
  • ensuring everyone can see a GP when they need to.
  • boosting our local rural economy to help people with the cost-of-living crisis and supporting local businesses and farms.
  • ensuring local young families and individuals can afford to buy or rent a home in our area.
  • tackling the Conservative disgrace of allowing the water companies to dump tons of raw sewage into our rivers every day.

At a time when many say they are disillusioned with party politics and feel politically homeless, I’ve found that my decision to stand has been welcomed by many, as it’s clear the priority for so many local residents is having a truly local MP who has a track record of putting the interests of South Shropshire first. It has been said to me by quite a few people now: “You’ve done it before, you can do it again.”

My Conservative opponent was, until May 30th, an MP in Wolverhampton where he had a small majority over Labour. He has chosen not to fight again there but prefers to try his luck in South Shropshire.

In contrast I’ve only ever represented electors in South Shropshire, as your MP for 4 years, and as councillor for Lydbury North and Much Wenlock. After I narrowly lost Ludlow Constituency, I did not seek selection in any other seat. As one local resident told me, “The Conservative candidate wants to carry on being an MP, you want to represent our area, there is a difference’.”

From the responses from local residents, it’s clear it will be very close between myself and the Conservative candidate. With your support, after July 4th, I will be able to put the interests of South Shropshire first.

Published and promoted by Vijay Naidu on behalf of Matthew Green, Liberal Democrats, all at The Groton, Norbury, Bishop’s Castle, Shropshire, SY9 5DX.

One thought on “Matthew Green, Liberal Democrat candidate for South Shropshire, on why he is campaigning to become our MP”
  1. Very well put Matthew.
    On the subject of Ambulance times you may not be aware of a serious issue we have in Haytons Bent.. Ambulance drivers are forced to follow their SatNav directions on pain of dismissal and that leads them to drive up Titterrhil from the Ludlow to Peaton Road. The road is clearly marked unsuitable for long vehicles but ‘rules is rules’ and the ambulances get stuck needing recovery. A further vehicle is then despatched meanwhile the poor victim is left waiting. This has happened on numerous occasions in the past and at least twice in the last couple of months. The matter has been raised by the parish council but the County council and Ambulance Service refuse to act to rectify the issue. Inevitably this will lead to an avoidable fatality with that sad human cost and, given our voracious legal friends, a large financial charge on the Ambulance Service (NHS).

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