Hope House in Ludlow is planning a new shopfront – its good news
I quite like the current signage for Hope House but it is the wrong design for a historic thoroughfare. It is simply too bright and busy for King Street. Now…
I quite like the current signage for Hope House but it is the wrong design for a historic thoroughfare. It is simply too bright and busy for King Street. Now…
My colleague Councillor Vivienne Parry is calling a public meeting to discuss the revised plans for a superstore and petrol filling station at Rocks Green on the outskirts of Ludlow.…
Blackfriars, the speculative developer behind the proposals for a superstore and petrol filling station at Rocks Green has produced new plans. You have until 12 January to respond. That’s just…
A statement was issued this afternoon from the planning services manager at Shropshire Council. He says that the decision to allow the housing off Foldgate Lane is wrong but he…
The announcement has not been made but this is news that cannot wait. Planning officers agree that the planning inspector’s decision to grant approval for 137 homes at Foldgate Lane…