Organ donation: Opt in or opt out?
Lib Dem Councillor Charlotte Barnes, a regular blood donor, and a one-time bone marrow donor, spoke to Jim Hawkins on BBC Radio Shropshire this morning (listen here, starts around 1:20).…
Ludlow MP Philip Dunne offers to intervene in planning disputes
In his column in the South Shropshire Journal today, Ludlow MP Philip Dunne makes the case for local planning. Mr Dunne refers to two cases we determined at last week’s…
A big, new out-of-town supermarket for Ludlow? More to come?
A big, new supermarket for Ludlow could be in the offing, if plans presented to the town council tonight go ahead. Retail consultant Simon Hoare tonight told the town council’s…
Shropshire Council’s fifth anniversary: Five years spent undermining local democracy
Five years ago today, on 4 June 2009, Shropshire Council was elected for the first time. Within a year, the Conservative administration was faced with a financial crisis due to…
Shropshire Council listens on student fares hike but hits poorest
On Radio Shropshire earlier this week, portfolio holder Ann Hartley and Karen Bradshaw Director of children’s services announced changes to hikes in post-16 transport to sixth form and college. This…