Ludlow Town Council to tighten rules after complaints about noise in the town centre
It always concerns me when we have complaints about noise in the town centre. People generally deserve a quiet life. But some people seem to have moved here thinking the…
The beautiful game is coming home but not in politics
Trollies are being wheeled out of supermarkets stacked with booze. The BBQs will be lit to sear burgers and sausages to the point of incineration. It’s party time because it’s…
Ludlow Town Council to elect two new councillors on Monday
The town council currently has two vacant seats, one in in Hayton Ward and another in Gallows Bank Ward. They are to be filled by co-option on Monday night. There…
Plans to convert Golden Moments into a townhouse approved
The Southern Planning Committee this afternoon approved plans to convert No 50 Broad Street, which has the Golden Moments restaurant on its ground floor, into a town house. The vote…
Helen Morgan MP tables bill on improving rural bus services
Buses are the cinderella of transport. We hear a lot about trains, the inconvenience of delays, strikes and buckled rails. But we don’t hear much about buses. Yet there were…