Victory! Plans to build on Sidney Road green and fell tree thrown out
Yesterday, the South Planning Committee voted by a large majority to reject plans to build five bungalows on the Sidney Road green at the bottom of Charlton Rise. The plans…
Yesterday, the South Planning Committee voted by a large majority to reject plans to build five bungalows on the Sidney Road green at the bottom of Charlton Rise. The plans…
Its been sleeping for a while but next Tuesday, Shropshire Council’s South Planning Committee will decide on whether to fell a Norway Maple and destroy a green space at the…
Plans for 137 homes off Foldgate Lane, in the final stages of approval, have hit a snag over plans to fell trees along 450 metres of the A49. This was…
This is a brief update to collate a few diverse matters relating to this project. They concern the review by Defra, delays in submitting the planning application and doubts about…
Yesterday, Shropshire Council published more details of the Foldgate Lane application (18/02413/REM). They include revised landscaping and planting plans, a change to the location of the pedestrian and cycle access…