It can get lively in this town some nights and alcohol fuelled disturbances are far from uncommon. One in ten reported crimes is violent and nearly half antisocial behaviour.
There has been some success on reducing crime in the town. Reported crime has fallen by 10% over the last two years. In 2012, there were an average of 105 incidents of crime and antisocial behaviour in Ludlow every month. This is down from 114 incidents a month in the previous year.
Ludlow: quarterly trends in crime and anti social behaviour 2011-12
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However, it is not all good news. The overall level of crime in Ludlow is well above the average for West Mercia. Ludlow has around 118 incidents a year for every 1,000 of its residents. Across West Mercia there are about 99 crimes a year per 1,000 people, nearly a fifth lower.
Where do these crimes and disturbances occur? The town has three hotpots:
- the town centre from the Blue Boar to the Compasses
- the bottom of Corve street around the supermarkets
- the Sandpits area
Location of crime and anti social behaviour incidents 2011-12
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As the map shows, the pattern of crime varies, with violent crime being a particular problem in Sandpits and the town centre, while shoplifting is unsurprisingly a feature of the Tesco and Aldi area.
Antisocial behaviour is everywhere – involving nearly half of recorded incidents.
Ludlow: types of crime 2011-12
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Of course, Ludlow is not usually dangerous place to live. But we do need to tackle the level of crime, much of it fuelled by drugs and alcohol.
There is excellent work under way to tackle some of the problems. For example, the Community Alcohol Partnership is tackling sales of drink to under-age drinkers. The Ludlow Detached Youth Sessions project is working with young people at risk and those hanging about on the streets.
We need to strengthen these projects and strengthen support for young people, including creating job opportunities. We need to reverse cuts to the county’s youth services – investing in youth is always a good investment.
And we need to keep an adequate police presence in the town, something threatened by the plans to close our police station.
If you have ideas on how we might best tackle anti social behaviour, why not leave a comment below?
For my personal experiences of antisocial behaviour, see “He is thumping her in the stomach – it is the most sickening sound I have ever heard.”