A planning application has been submitted for two detached houses on the Linney (14/04328/FUL). These will fill the last green gap along the Linney beside Castle Grange. Comments should be submitted by 7 November.

Applicants Les Stephan Planning say:

The design of the two dwellings has been determined by reference to the characteristics of The Linney, the visual quality of the existing dwellings along it (particularly the recently constructed dwellings, West View and Castle Grange) and the need to be mindful of the setting of the site to the north of Ludlow Castle within the Ludlow Conservation Area.

Site_location_satelliteSite_layoutElevations_Plot_1Details of Plot 1

Update 13 November

I have formally objected to this development:

Objection to development on land off Burway Lane 14-04215-OUT

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