I like to boast that my fortnightly newsletter and blog gives a lot of information about policies and actions that affect Ludlow, especially my patch, Ludlow North. I try also to give a bit of background information. In last night’s newsletter, I provided a bit of background information that has tickled people pink. Thanks to all those who have pointed out the typo. I wrote:

“Shropshire Council’s planning meetings these days are often arduous. In October the South Planning Committee ate for five hours.”

Of course, I meant to write that the “committee sat for five hours”. But this is probably the best typo I have made for a long while!

The planning committee I was writing about only got back to Shirehall 15 minutes before the meeting started. Committee members had to bolt sandwiches in a secretary’s office. Our late return from site visits has happened before. On a previous occasion, the chairman had the temerity – possibly brought on by near starvation – to eat a sandwich in the committee room before the meeting started. One of the developers, annoyed with our rejection of his application, made a formal complaint about eating of sandwiches in the committee room! That’s why the committee hid in an office.

Click here to read my latest newsletter, typos and all. You can read about the Youth Parliament, Shropshire Council returning money to Whitehall that’s meant to help struggling people in the county, the latest on the town walls, the planning committee and much more.

Why not sign up to have the newsletter delivered to your email inbox every two weeks?

I am thinking of making my newsletter weekly, but I am not sure I can yet commit to that. But it would make it shorter and timelier.

I enjoy the feedback I get from my newsletter. Keep it coming.

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