Ludlow’s unitary councillors[1] are inviting residents, shoppers and visitors to a drop-in session to learn about Shropshire Council’s proposals for parking in the town centre. This will be held between 2pm and 6pm on 5 September at the Women’s Centre, Church Street, Ludlow.

The council is consulting on a wide range of changes to parking charges around the county. Although some parking in Ludlow will be cheaper under the scheme, many charges will go up.

“There are a lot of proposed changes to car parking rules,” says Andy Boddington, Shropshire Councillor for the Ludlow North, which includes the town centre.

“Visitors will be allowed to park on the streets and in the Castle Square car park for a long as they like, though that could prove expensive. New season tickets will permit residents to leave their vehicles in car parks for less than 50p a day. The permits used by builders who need to park in the street when repairing properties will leap to £20 a day.”

“This is not just about the cost of parking. The challenge we face in Ludlow is balancing the needs of residents, workers, shoppers and visitors. That is never going to be easy to achieve in an historic town like ours. Residents need somewhere to park but we also need a constant turnover of vehicles in car parking spaces so people can get to the shops, GP practices and tourist attractions.”

“That’s why we councillors want to explain the changes to everyone and ask their opinion. We hope that as many people as possible will be able to drop by on 5 September. People can also contact us directly or respond to Shropshire Council through its website.”

Shropshire Council officers will be attending the drop-in to answer questions.

Some of the proposals for Ludlow

Sunday parking will cost the same as the other six days. Currently Sundays are half price.

Free parking in Ludlow’s three car parks will begin later in the evening – at 8pm instead of 6pm. It will end at 9am in the morning, instead of 8am.

The fifteen minutes free “pop and shop” period, once a Shropshire Council flagship policy, is to be withdrawn.

Residents will pay £100 a year to park outside their houses instead of the £50 charge they face at present. For the first time, local people will be able to buy a season ticket will be to leave their vehicle in the car parks all day, every day for a charge of between £0.32 and £4.38 a day. The actual cost will depend on the location and what level of charges Shropshire Council decides to implement.

Visitors and shoppers will pay £2 an hour to park on streets, up from £0.70 an hour now. Charges in Castle Street car park will double from £0.50 an hour to £1.00. Some charges in other car parks will go down.

On-street parking is currently limited to three hours. In the Castle Street car park, the limit is four hours. Under the proposed rules, people will be allowed to park on the streets or in the car parks for as long as they want and have a valid ticket.


[1]. The Shropshire councillors representing Ludlow and Clee are: Andy Boddington, Richard Huffer, Tracey Huffer and Vivienne Parry.

2 thought on “Ludlow councillors to hold drop-in consultation on new parking regime on 5 September”
  1. Given the doubling of revenue, will the council also publish the areas in which they will reduce either our council tax payments or the extent to which they will re-engage services which they have dropped at present?
    Please present that Andy as it always has been a concern of mine that central takes but seldom gives back from where it reaps…

  2. Is it any wonder any local tradesmen (builders)hate working in the centre of Ludlow to raise costs to £20 per day is scandalous this cost will have to passed onto customers meaning a potential £100 on top for a weeks work I have had customers who give out red permits which helps but others are not so forthcoming
    With a van loaded with tools and materials to Carry into properties we have no options but to park as close as possible
    This will be final nail in coffin for me no more working in town

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