Seven years ago, who would have thought that we would see so many couriers everywhere delivering in vans and cars? But online shopping has grown. Especially this year when so many of us have been in one lockdown after another.

Many of us have got to know Paul Pugh, the cheery delivery man in the red DPD van. Despite his intimate knowledge of our town and friendly service, DPD plans to move him to a round in Birmingham early next year. He is not happy and neither are we. Please protest by emailing

It takes a lot to get to know Ludlow, especially the historic town centre with many of its houses and apartments tucked away down alleys, behind each other and above shops. Couriers have been known to give up looking for some of the harder to find locations. It takes time to deliver too. Some couriers have held over deliveries to the next day because they have underestimated to time needed to deliver around our town or even to get to it.

That’s were Paul Pugh has an advantage. He knows the town intimately. He knows the distances. He loves delivering here.

He also knows how to deliver with a smile. He knows so many of us by name. True he often calls me Mr Bodenham, which isn’t quite my name, but it’s a worthy name and I don’t mind.

Moving Paul from Ludlow will be a loss to our town and a loss to the reputation of DPD.

I’ll be writing to DPD expressing my dismay and asking for a change of plan. You can contact the company at

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