Yesterday, we reported that Shropshire Council had restricted the number of young people allowed in Ludlow’s dedicated Youth Centre to just three people. Allowing for supervision, that’s a youth club of just one person. The council’s attitude is that the youth club cab be held outside no matter how bad the weather but not inside with the wide double doors open because the young people will get cold.
Tracey Huffer aims to tackle this the Shropshire Council’s cabinet meeting on Wednesday. To do achieve this, she has tabled a written question, including asking for whether the council can give a guarantee that Ludlow Youth Centre will not be sold during the current administration.
Question to Cabinet on ventilation in council buildings from Tracey Huffer
Youth providers in Ludlow have been informed that the foyer area of Ludlow Youth Centre can only be used for a maximum of three people. With the winter approaching, this will bring an end to current youth club activities as they cannot be held outdoors in winter weather. It will also leave Ludlow Young Health – a mental health and wellbeing support project – without a home.
Children are back at school. They are playing sport and engaging in social activities both indoors and outdoors. They are allowed to cram into cinemas.
Ludlow Youth Centre is entered through wide double doors and arguably has more ventilation than most venues. Yet, Shropshire Council has declared that it is unsafe for youth activities. At the same time, it regards the building as perfectly safe for people using the offices which once supported young people as music and chill out rooms.
My question is:
1) What legally binding government Covid regulations remain in place after the general easing of legal restrictions on 19 July that restrict the use of buildings?
2) How many Shropshire Council owned or managed buildings are current subject to restrictions because of ventilation assessments?
3) Which are these buildings?
4) Ludlow Youth Centre is classified by the council as a corporate asset. What capital value does it assign to the Youth Centre in its accounts?
5) Can the council give a guarantee that Ludlow Youth Centre will not be sold or transferred, other than as a building that will continue as a youth centre, during the current administration?