Yesterday evening, Tanc Barratt responding to article two days ago. who is proposing to convert 50 Broad Street into a town house leading to the closure of Golden Moments. The long established and popular business has not been able to find alternative location. And why should a business have to move because the new owner of the freehold doesn’t want it next door to him?

Mr Barratt says in his response: “This planning application is not about closing a business, it is about adapting with the times.” The times are for more places to eat, drink and relax in town centres, not closing them down.

Ludlow’s town centre has survived when so many others have fallen by the wayside. We still have good shops. A vibrant market. Lots of great places to eat. Places to live. What we don’t need are planning applications that will lead to businesses closing.

From Tanc Barrett 3 May 2022

As a Ludlow North resident and Ludlow North businessman/employer I would like to point out to you that there is not/never has been any intention of forcing Golden Moments to close, at all. You are suggesting that this is an attempt to shut down a family run business. This is not the case.

Over the last 5 years many suggestions and offers have been put forward to assist the business to move, perhaps to a location more suitable for customers and restaurateur alike. No one is in any doubt that a thriving business in Ludlow is a good thing however there are often unused commercial properties in Ludlow in what could be better locations, where customers might find it easier to use the services on offer. Where evening parking is easier for example. Are we not in danger of having a town centre full of charity shops and chain operators?

This planning application is not about closing a business, it is about adapting with the times.

I would be grateful if you would acknowledge this.

Many thanks,


My response 4 May 2022

While I acknowledge this response and place it in the public domain, I cannot agree with it. The result of your unwanted and unacceptable application will be to close a family run business of long standing. No alternative premises have been found in the locality. And why should a business move at your beckoning? Will you fund the refurbishment of any new premises if found?

You told me yesterday that there was an abatement notice in 2011 or 2012. That planning enforcement has asked for retrospectively along with listed building consent. That the extraction system is a fire risk and in breach of fire regulations. I can verify none of this. None of it is mentioned in the planning application. But I have relayed your comments to Shropshire Council planners and they will be placed on record and will be taken into account if appropriate.

You did make it clear you want the business to be elsewhere because it is not in the greater interest of the buildings.

In your email above you say: “This planning application is not about closing a business, it is about adapting with the times.”

Venues to eat and drink are of increasing importance as we move towards town centres that are more places to be experienced than major shopping destinations. That trend is especially true in smaller and heritage towns. Adapting with the times is about ensuring that town centres remain vibrant destinations. An additional town house which will lead to the closure of a family run restaurant and takeaway does not contribute to that objective.

Best wishes


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