Oak trees on Bromfield Road get protection – we need to save and plant trees
Shropshire Council has placed provisional tree preservation orders on 18 oak trees on the west side of Bromfield Road, along with a plane tree. Three limes on the cricket ground…
Cheers! Gin Palace to open at Ludlow Food Centre
Shaun Ward is well known to residents of Ludlow. For more than a decade he served Laurence’s Church as Director of Music, Clerk of Works and Executive Manager. In 2019,…
I’m embarrassed by Shrewsbury Bus Station – it lets our county down
Shrewsbury Bus Station is a disgrace. I am embarrassed to use it. I don’t feel comfortable with using it. Yet, it is the bus hub for our county. It is…
National Highways put the brake on M&S Food store application
National Highways, the body that owns the major routes across England including the A49, has said that a decision on planning permission for the proposed M&S Food store alongside the…
Philip Dunne should stop politicising sewage dumping
Ludlow MP Philip Dunne has done it again. Calling those who criticise his and his government’s weakness on sewage overflows “political”. It is never political to call out government failures…