Turley and Richborough Estates have submitted an outline planning application for 137 dwellings, demolition of existing agricultural buildings and creation of vehicular access from the A49 Ludlow Bypass (14/04608/OUT). The development is in Ludford parish.

The development will have 117 market dwellings; 12 two bedroomed houses and bungalows, 41 three bedroomed houses, 28 four bedroomed houses and 36 five bedroomed houses. There will be 20 affordable homes; nine two bedroomed/four person houses and 11 three bedroomed/five person houses. Wrekin housing has already shown an interest in the affordable housing.

The proposals incorporate extensive green infrastructure and public open space,including inter-linked green spaces, meadows and view corridors. The scheme will include an equipped area for play (LEAP – Local Equipped Area for Play), woodland and a community orchard. The total public open space will be 11.3 hectares, 64% of the application site area.

The scheme provides for a new access road onto the A49, meeting the trunk road at a T-junction south of the town.

Foldgate Lane will be retained for local access, with the primary link road crossing over at right angles “to avoid ‘spilling’ traffic onto the lane.” There will be an emergency road link onto the eastern end of Foldgate Lane which will also provide cycle and footpath access.

Balancing ponds capture for surface water, and double as landscaped and ecological features within the site.

As part of their case for the site, Turley says that Shropshire Council does not have a five year land supply, so the presumption in favour of sustainable development applies. They also note that the site is allocated as suitable for development in the long term.

As a member of the South Planning Committee, I will not be commenting on this application until it reaches committee.


See also the Outline Landscape Masterplan.

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