
There were three break-ins in the centre of Ludlow last Sunday night. Aragons and Harp Deli were two of the targets. Marie’s in Station Drive was another. In one case a lot of cash was stolen.

A few weeks ago there were break-ins at the Dinham Hotel, the cricket club on Burway and Fishmore Hotel. There have been a number of household burglaries over the summer, as well as a spate of thefts from sheds.

Is this a higher level of crime than we normally experience? I haven’t seen any statistics but it certainly feels like Ludlow is being targeted at present.

People tell me that they feel that the police have withdrawn from the town. They worry the police station is closed to the public. People say they don’t see police out and about.

The police tell me a different story. Inspector Rob Thomas says that the town is patrolled when officers are not on call elsewhere. The CCTV works but could be improved. As you can read in the press, one man has been arrested and they are looking for another.

The police also say we are a low crime area. That may be the case but our initial survey results suggest one in four people in this town don’t feel safe out and about at night.

We need to get to the bottom of what is happening.

Let us know your views on safety, crime and disorder by completing our community survey. It will only take you a few minutes.

Our concerns are not just limited to burglaries. In the last two days I have had reports of bad driving, speeding and a cat being run over and killed on Raven Lane in the town centre.

Is the spate of burglaries and driving incidents just a statistical fluke? Something that happens every now and again? Or is the result of the ever thinner blue line of policing in towns like ours?

We’ll be announcing the results of the survey at a public meeting on 22 October. Deputy police commissioner Barrie Shelden and Inspector Rob Thomas will be on hand to answer questions.

The police will also be attending Ludlow Town Council’s meeting next Monday 28 September to discuss the recent spate of break-ins. The meeting is at the Guildhall at 7pm.


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