By-election for Whitcliffe Ward: Address from Hillary Hall
There are two candidates for the Whitcliffe Ward. Both have kindly offered to provide a pitch to tell voters why they are the right candidate for the ward. This is…
There are two candidates for the Whitcliffe Ward. Both have kindly offered to provide a pitch to tell voters why they are the right candidate for the ward. This is…
There are two candidates for the Whitcliffe Ward. Both have kindly offered to provide a pitch to tell voters why they are the right candidate for the ward. This is…
The proposed exclusion zone for vehicles in Ludlow’s town centre will benefit no one except Shropshire Council’s coffers from yet more parking fines. It is overkill. Heavy handed regulation of…
An inspector for Historic England has laid into the plans to redevelop Budgens with retail units on the ground floor and apartments above (19/05380/FUL). The conservation watchdog wants the developer,…
Shropshire Council is planning to ban parking in the market and castle area at all times. It also wants to prohibit loading between 10am and 2pm. The restrictions will not…