Costa Coffee closed its King Street shop in May 2023. Now it is coming back to Ludlow, this time on the outskirts of the town. The planning application for the new site at Rocks Green will be submitted towards the end of February. We are releasing this news ahead of time because the proposal has been leaked.
The new Costa Coffee will be on the vacant plot next to Sainsbury’s. This was once destined to be petrol filling station but fuel retailers weren’t interested in the location, the town already having two petrol stations, with others not far away at Woofferton and Craven Arms.
The site is being promoted by Blackfriars Property, which is working with WSP on the designs. Blackfriars says the site is unsuitable for a takeaway such as KFC. The unit will be too small. The plot is also next to a residential area and drive through takeaways create congestion at peak times.

Tracey Huffer will be the Shropshire Councillor Rocks Green when division boundaries change in the summer. She says:
“I welcome this proposal. The site is an eyesore and that’s the last thing we want on one of the main routes into Ludlow.
“A coffee retailer will suit the location. It’s next to Sainsbury’s and people shopping there might wish to grab a coffee. Costa Coffee will have its own car parking spaces so is unlikely to add to pressure on Sainsbury’s car park. There will be several EV charging points.
“There will also be a drive through facility for motorists who want a coffee on the go or take it to work.
“I am hopeful that the proposed Costa Coffee will become a meeting place for residents in Rocks Green and the new development of Henley Grange. All we have in the area right now is the Nelson Inn, an excellent venue but not everyone wants to meet in a pub.
“We have a lot to learn about this application. Things like the open hours and where extractors are located will need to be looked at in detail.”
The former Costa Coffee shop in King Street is in the process of being let and repairs should start shortly.
Having moved to the area of Rocks Green 12 months ago, I welcome the propsoal. Having somewhere to meet rather than a pub is a must as the town lacks any amenities in this part of town. The current site is an eyesore and this will at least make it feel more developed.
My only concern will be traffic, at present the Sainsbury junction is a nightmare at 5 in the evening and some form of traffic management would help.