Peak tourist season begins – so let’s close Shropshire’s transport network down
What do you call it? A cacophony of road and rail closures? A collision? Or perhaps a conspiracy? Get ready for closure of the A5 overnight for three weeks. The…
What do you call it? A cacophony of road and rail closures? A collision? Or perhaps a conspiracy? Get ready for closure of the A5 overnight for three weeks. The…
Thank you everyone. Our Ludlow team has been re-elected with increased majorities. This post gives the detailed results for Ludlow and Clee and a summary of the results for Shropshire…
Nine homes are currently being built just off Bromfield Road at the top of Felton Close. Now the developer wants to add two more houses (17/01540/FUL). Although we need more…
Yesterday, I reported plans by Shropshire Housing Group (SHG) to build bungalows on the green between Charlton Rise and Sidney Road. This article brings news that SHG has also submitted…
Last October, Shropshire Housing Group (SHG) felled a healthy sycamore tree on the green space between Sidney Road and Charlton Rise. A second tree was saved after hurried negotiations. Now…