Plans have been resubmitted for a development of ten houses off Cold Weston Drive, between Ludlow Junior School and the bypass. Discussions with planners and the developer are underway to ensure that an informal footpath across the site is retained.

Planning permission for the development was originally agreed in 2005, and renewed in 2010. That permission expired in 2014 and a new application was submitted in January this year (15/00071/FUL). In common with the earlier plans, the new proposals did not allow for retention of an informal footpath on the east side of the site. This path goes from Footpath 23 and skirts the belt of trees along the A49 to join Footpath 25, which links the Rocks Green roundabout with Downton View.

sat_view_off_Cold_Weston_Drive_with_footpathsThe site (red line), footpaths and bridleways
Plans for the site

The informal path is well worn and has been in use of more than thirty years. It is not, however, a right of way.

Tracey Huffer and I have been in discussion with Shropshire Council planners and the developer to keep the informal path. We have high hopes of succeeding. Already the developer has agreed to keep the path open during development. A gate in the fence panelling has been created for this purpose.


Councillor’s assistant ‘Mel’ demonstrates the footpath entrance

Tracey and I will be meetings planners and the developer at the end of July to discuss retaining the informal path permanently.

Tracey says:

“I am really pleased this well used path is being kept open for the time being. It has been popular with walks and dog walkers for decades. The developer, Bensons, is being very cooperative in keeping the path open during development – though there may be short periods when it will be closed for safety reasons.”

“There was a danger that if the informal path was closed, more walkers would use the right of way over the A49. That’s quite a dangerous footpath that crosses a very busy road. It’s much safer for people to cross the A49 using the traffic lights at the Rocks Green roundabout and the informal footpath gives access to that.”

“We are looking forward to meeting Bensons and their agent, along with Shropshire Council officers, later in the month to discuss retaining the path permanently.”

One thought on “Welcome news as Ludlow developer agrees to keep popular footpath open during building works”
  1. Well done to yourself and Joyce Brand this morning on TV.JB column in the local paper was brill.Shame Keith Barrow didn’t have the bottle to turn up but I suppose it is in keeping with his non accountability to the people who elected him.At least he was well told off. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK BOTH.

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